Corporate clients
We offer a comprehensive and tailor-made range of legal and tax advice services to start-ups and SMEs from a wide range of industries.

Business client tax advice.
You’re looking for a professionally experienced and practice-oriented partner to support your company with all tax issues. We’ll advise you on all tax issues throughout the entire life-cycle of your business, optimize corporate succession for you from a tax perspective, and prepare tax rulings for your company with the tax authorities.
General tax optimization.
You’ve optimized all the operational processes in your company, but you’re unsure whether your business is in a good position from a tax point of view. We’ll carry out a general tax health check for your company. Such a check focuses on corporate income tax, capital tax, withholding taxes and stamp duty. We can advise you on choosing the registered office of your company; the financing structure; the definition of the net operating assets; the structuring of your executive salaries and pension plans; the recognition of provisions and depreciation, amortization and impairments; the calculation of tax provisions, the utilization of loss carryforwards; the definition of your dividend policy; and the creation of expenses regulations.
As a forward-thinking entrepreneur, you’re planning to restructure your business in the near future. We’ll support you in the planning and tax optimization of corporate restructuring, such as capital increases/reductions, mergers, spin-offs, joint ventures and asset deals.
Company succession.
Your company’s owners and senior management are looking at orderly succession in your company. We’ll work with you to define tax-optimized company succession through purchase, management buy-out, gift or inheritance. In connection with this, we’ll also draw up a tax-optimized employee participation plan and shareholder agreement for you.
Tax return.
To save you time, we’ll prepare your company’s tax return.
Representation in assessment procedures.
We’ll support you in responding to requests from the tax authorities, in preparing an objection, an appeal or an administrative complaint. We can also assist you with tax audits.
Legal advice for business clients.
You’re looking for a trustworthy partner to advise your company on all legal issues. We will assist you with matters of corporate and contract law during the foundation, restructuring or liquidation of your company. We will draw up and review all important business contracts for you, and also support you in shaping your company succession.